Young Men Struggling With 🌽, You’re About To Learn

The Proven Step-By-Step Protocol That Took Me And My Friends From Jerking Off 3 Times a Day To Ending This Addiction For Good

If you don't end your corn addiction in 90 days, I'll work with you for free until you do

You’re ABout To Learn Step-By-Step How I Quit My Addiction

From the desk of Alexander

In the next 5 minutes,

I’m going to share with you the simple yet effective noCorn system I used to go from jerking off 3 times a day,

To completely quitting my 🌽 addiction 14 days after developing this new strategy.

Spoiler alert: It was all about convincing my brain 🤫

I Came Across Adult Content...

Like many other 10, 12 14, 16, or even 20-year-olds out there searching through the internet,

I came across adult content.

At first, I was watching rap videos with girls in the background.

But after a while that wasn't enough to keep me engaged.

So I started looking at weird dirty stock photos,

And eventually full-on long-form adult content.

And oh man, it felt so damn good, too good.

It almost felt real.

But deep down I knew it was all just pixels on a screen.

I felt obligated to watch corn even when I didn't want to.

Whatever I’d do I just couldn’t stop myself from searching up that site.

I Couldn't Have Any Normal Conversations


I went from once a week to jerking off 3 times a day,

And with that,

My confidence around women and self-image crashed harder than the stock market in 2008

I just couldn't have any normal conversations with women.

I felt so cringey, like I was inferior to others.

I remember looking in the mirror after another relapse,

Just to see someone I hated.

Looking from the outside you'd think all hope was lost.

Well, don't be so sure.

A Bald Kickboxer Woke Me Up

Around that time a bald kickboxer started screaming at people.

He appeared on my Instagram feed,

And watching his content simply motivated me to want more from life.

I saw one of his videos talking about how doomed you are as a man if you can't control yourself to not search up a certain site,

And that made me realize that I must stop watching

The IG algorithm started recommending similar content,

Through which I came to learn about NoFap.

A simple wholesome journey men struggling with corn go through to quit their addictions,

Or so I thought.

NoFap: The Worst Advice You'll Ever Get

YouTubers in bathrobes told me to delete social media, create NoFap streaks, and hide from urges.

I did everything I was told to do.

But somewhere around day 3,

I used to get a MASSIVE urge to go watch corn,

And all sorts of excuses would start to appear like:

“One more time won't hurt”


"I ain't got a girlfriend, I might as well do it"

In the end,

I’d end up relapsing and staring at myself in the mirror disappointed by my lack of self-control.

This wasn’t the way I would quit this addiction.

So I just accepted my failures and acted as if NoFap wasn’t a thing.

For months, I continued to jerk off every single day,

Not being able to talk normally,

And feeling anxious and cringe around other people.

But in October of 2023, something changed.

I Became a Rizzler? Or so I Thought

After a ton of learning,

I managed to develop my game with girls,

And finally got into some nice relationships.

But somewhere along the line,

I was the one who would lose interest, and end up dumping her.

But in the end, I’d realize my mistake and end up regretting so much.

That happened over and over again.

But eventually, I realized the culprit, corn…

Because of seeing all of these models online,

I didn’t have any motivation to maintain relationships with real girls.

But here’s the thing.

Once I realized that corn was the reason I couldn’t maintain relationships,

I completely quit watching corn without much effort.


I had more energy and my testosterone went through the roof.

I literally wanted to punch someone in the face due to all my energy.

But how come I quit so easily after my discovery?

Your Addiction Is a Symptom

If you had everything you ever wanted.

The dozens of girls interested in you,

The physique of a bodybuilder,

And a bank account filled my moolah,

Would you still watch corn?


No. You wouldn’t.

Because corn is not like an illness, it’s a symptom.

It fills up a hole in your life.

And I was so successful in quitting watching corn,

Because instead of focusing directly on corn like gurus told me to,

I instead focused on the hole in my life that corn was trying to fill up.

And I just filled up that whole by becoming my best self.

So Many Men Are Stuck Because Of Corn And NoFap

But over the months I’ve noticed that so many other young men are struggling with corn,

And are stuck in a cycle of relapsing because of the NoFap community and its advice.

This is when I decided to test the noCorn protocol on other people,

Specifically my friends.

I told my best friends about it,

Who had been watching corn for years, much longer than me.

And it’s safe to say that everybody I shared my system with quit their corn addiction in 20 to 90 days.


I want to help people around the world achieve similar results,

And quit their addictions in 20 to 90 days using the noCorn protocol.

And if you’re still here after ranting about myself for so long,

I can only assume that you really really want to quit your corn addiction.

I Wanna Ask You Something...

So now I ask you:

Option #1:

Do you want to continue relapsing every other day,

Never achieving your full potential,

And feeling anxious around girls?

Option #2:

Or do you want to listen to the NoFap community’s advice and relapse every 2 - 5 days?

Option #3:

Do you want to learn the proven noCorn protocol,

That works differently than anything you’ve heard before.

Aka by actually focusing on the hole in your life that corn is trying to fill up and filling it up with purpose?

If you responded with the first or second option, please leave right now and stop watching my videos.

But if you responded with the 3rd one,

I wanna give you a special invitation to the noCorn Academy.

Where over 1 month,

You’re going to learn every single detail and nitty gritty about the noCorn protocol,

So you can quit your corn addiction in 20 to 90 days.

Introducing The noCorn Academy: The Community Where You're Going To End Your Corn Addiction

Week 1: Fundamentals (Valued At $297)

On week 1 you're going to learn exactly what it takes to end your corn addiction,

So we can build the foundations of week 2.

You're Going To Learn How To:

-Leverage your pains to end your addiction and find out why you want to quit

-Convince your brain that you NEED TO stop watching corn

-Why what others tell you about corn and NoFap is bs

Week 2: The noCorn protocol (Valued At $497)

On week 2,

You're going to learn step-by-step every single detail and nitty-gritty about the noCorn protocol and how I ended my addiction.

We're going to cover how to:

-Implement what I like to call the "corn replacer" to get to enjoy your life while quitting corn at the same time

-Go on dopamine detoxification to ensure you stop craving corn

-Leave your lust in the dust by taking care of your urges

-And many other lessons designed to get you to quit your addiction in 20 to 90 days

Week 4: 7 Day Survivor Blueprint (Valued At $197)

On week 3 I'm going to leave you on your own to not jerk off for 7 days.

You see,

After building a 7-day "streak", most men go back to jerking off because they don't know how to use the energy and testosterone they just acquired.

This is why on week 4 we'll go over what to do after 7 days of "not touching yourself".

You're Going To Learn How To:

-Control your aggressiveness to build a better version of yourself

-The "I'ma stick to my values" formula of avoiding negative peer pressure

-How to use your urges instead o

Week 5, 6, 7, and 8 (To Be Released)

You'll Also Get Access To 4 Extra Bonuses For FREE

Dopamine Detoxification Masterclass

(Valued At $57)

Learn how to lock in, get rid of distractions, cure your mind from pleasure, and live like a modern-day Spartan.

Motivation Masterclass

(Valued At $197)

An entire course dedicated to keeping you motivated and on track to quit your corn addiction.

Discipline Masterclass

(Valued At $97)

Train Your mind To Do The Hard Work When You Don't Feel Like It

1 On 1 Message Access To Me

(Valued At $197)

Send me any questions and I'll make sure to respond ASAP so that you quit your addiction even faster.

What Are You Waiting For?

If you want to learn the proven noCorn protocol,

That works by finding the holes in your life that make you relapse,

And filling them up with the "best self" strategy.

Now For Just $2000 $10/mo.

(Only the first member, after it will go to $20/mo, then $30/mo and so on)

Then click here to sign up for the noCorn academy waitlist.